For larger private parties: Corona outbreak in Göttingen

The Coronavirus pandemic has the world firmly in its grip: More than five million people were infected worldwide with the novel pathogen, Sars-CoV-2 – 179.928 of them so far in Germany.

Several people infected to celebrate in Göttingen with Coronavirus

In the case of some private parties have been infected in Göttingen, several people with the novel Coronavirus. The health Department announced for the city and County, are Concerned for the most part, members of different extended families. They come from Göttingen and the surrounding area. An exact number of the Infected was not initially called. The authority will now contact people from the environment of the Infected. "The number of people to be contacted is moved in the three-digit Bereich", it was called. The contact persons are also 57 children and young people. The schools had already been informed.

Over the Whitsun holidays and therefore tests will be carried out. The health Department was pursuing at the weekend under high pressure chains of the Infection, the quarantine orders would be immediately created.

All further messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

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