Insects die: Why more and more bumblebees disappear – natural healing naturopathic specialist portal

Is threatened the bumblebee from extinction?

Every year, the number of insects on. The global extent of insect mortality and the exact causes are not currently known, but numerous individual studies confirm the Trend. Around one third of insect species is today threatened with extinction. A research team studied over three years, the reasons why the populations of the Western bumblebee (Bombus occidentalis) rapidly slimming.

Researchers at the University of Wyoming investigated the reasons for the progressive bumblebee-Die. This showed that there is a single cause, but rather that a complex Interplay of many factors leads to the Die. The results were recently presented in the journal “Ecosphere”.

From the Local to the rare guest


“The decline of the Western bumblebee is not likely to be limited to a culprit, but due to several factors, which act together,” says the senior researcher and zoologist Lusha Tronstad. On the West coast of the United States, the Bumble bees were the most abundant Hummelart. Today you can get a rare-to-face. The research team, the Western bumblebee on the list of endangered species in America.

The researchers studied including samples of the insect populations on the West coast of the United States from the years 1998 to 2018. This showed that in the last 20 years, the Chance to see a Western bumblebee, 93 percent declined.

Reasons for the bumblebee to die


The causes for the bumblebee to die are not due, according to the researchers a factor, but a Combination of several circumstances, which have an unfavourable influence on the Hummel, and probably in many other insect species. Including the use of pesticides, climate change and increasing habitat loss, for example. In addition, the Western bumblebee is attacked often by parasites.

Each can help the bumblebee

The research team emphasises that every person who owns a house or land or rents, can help to ensure the Survival of the bumblebee. These three things you can do for the Hummel:

1. Food sources

To plant flowering plants with different flowering times. It should be noted that the flowers also produce Pollen and Nekar. There are numerous garden plants that serve the bees as a food, such as, for example, Crocus, cowslip, lungwort, iris, Columbine, delphinium, Garden Snapdragon, Foxglove, nasturtium, poppy, bell flower, Catnip, lemon balm, peppermint, garden sage, thyme, Hollyhock, lavender, Lupine, coneflower, sunflower, summer lilac, globe Thistle, and sweet pea.

Trees can feed the bumblebees. Crops such as currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, Apples, pears, cherries, plums, prunes and mirabelles, but also decorative hedge plants, such as snow ball, Kornus, elderberry, wild roses, hawthorn, Euonymus, or Privet provide nutrients to the bumblebees.

2. Water source provide

Bumble bees need both Pollen and nectar, and water. A pool of water in which a piece of wood floats, is an ideal landing place for bees and Bumble bees, where they can quench their thirst.

3. Nesting sites have to offer

Most Bumble bees nest in the ground. Bald patches on the ground or in old holes of mammals can be covered with wood chips to protect the potential nesting sites. Bumblebees are also happy to accept human-provided nesting boxes. The ground, in the Bumble bees nest, should not be before April edited. (vb)

You can find further information in the article: insects die: the causes, consequences, and protection from insects in your own garden.

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