COVID-19: Increased risk of blood clots in SARS-CoV-2-infection – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Connection between COVID-19, and blood identified clots

Worldwide COVID is treated 19 as a primary lung disease, there are complications due to the blood but they have also observed again and again clots in people with COVID-19. This suggests that the respiratory insufficiency in COVID-19 is not due solely to the development of the acute respiratory distress syndrome, but micro could play vascular thrombotic processes.

In the current investigation of the University of Edinburgh, it was found that micro seem vascular thrombotic processes an important role in the development of respiratory insufficiency in COVID-19 to play. The results of the study were published in the English journal “Radiology”.

Thrombotic complications in COVID-19-Concerned?

In the investigation, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of complications due to blood clots in patients with COVID-19 have been described. On the basis of recent reports that Reflect a strong correlation between elevated D-Dimer and a poor prognosis showed, have increased the concern about thrombotic complications.

COVID-19 is really a primary pulmonary disease?

Worldwide COVID is treated 19 as a primary pulmonary disease. From the analysis of all available current medical, laboratory, and imaging data to COVID-19 was clear, however, that the symptoms and diagnostic Tests can not be explained only by impaired pulmonary ventilation, report the researchers.

Respiratory insufficiency in COVID-19 not alone due to acute respiratory distress syndrome due to

Recent observations suggest that the respiratory insufficiency in COVID-19 is not due solely to the development of the acute respiratory distress syndrome, but micro could play vascular thrombotic processes. This can have important consequences for the diagnostic and therapeutic Management of the Affected. There is a close connection between D-Dimer values, the course of the disease and characteristics of the Thorax CTs, suggestive of venous thrombosis, explains the research group.

Prothrombotischer and thrombotic state in COVID-19 must be observed

In addition, various studies in COVID have to Reflect-19-Ill is a very strong Association between elevated D-Dimer and a serious illness, or a poor prognosis is shown. The researchers stress that the need to be diagnosis and treatment of the prothrombotischen and thrombotic condition, in a significant percentage of the COVID-19-Affected encounter, of careful attention.

COVID-19-syndrome affects all the organs in the body

Imaging and pathological studies have confirmed that the COVID-19’s syndrome is a thrombotic-inflammatory process, which affected first of all the lung perfusion, but successively all the organs of the body concerned, report the researchers. Similar results were arrived at in a further study, which showed that the new Coronavirus causes inflammation of systemic Vascular.

When is anticoagulant therapy?

This highly thrombotic syndrome leads to a macro-thrombosis and embolism. Therefore, a strict thrombosis prophylaxis, adequate imaging Surveillance with early anticoagulant therapy is appropriate for suspected venous thromboembolism, the rates of the researchers.

What actions should be taken?

Include recommendations for the diagnostic and therapeutic Management, which vary depending on the symptoms and risk profile of the patients, Heparin in prophylactic dose, chest CT, CT pulmonary angiography, and routine D-Dimer testing, more reports of the research group.

Connection between COVID-19 and pulmonary embolism?

There are also insights have been gained, the COVID-19-specific with a pulmonary embolism in connection bring. In an analysis of 106 pulmonary CT-Angiograms, which were performed for COVID-19 patients over a period of one month in a tertiary care center in France, had 32 patients (30%) an acute pulmonary embolism. This Rate of pulmonary embolism is much higher than usually in critically ill patients without COVID-19-infections (1.3 per cent), or in the case of patients in the emergency room (three to ten percent).

COVID-19 is more than a lung infection

The researchers come to the conclusion that COVID-19 affects the vascular system of the lungs and other organs and a high thrombosis risk with acute life-threatening events, which require adequate treatment. (as)