Allergy detection with nasal swab – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Allergy test: the detection of Allergy antibodies in the nasal secretions possible

Millions of people suffer from pollen Allergy and hay fever. The diagnosis is made, for the most part by blood – or so-called skin Prick Tests. However, according to scientists is an Allergy test with a nasal swab.

In the diagnosis of allergies Blood samples and unpleasant tolerance tests might belong to the skin of the past: A research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Helmholtz Zentrum München has now shown that also in the nose is sufficient Allergy antibodies can be measured secretion for a diagnosis.

Previous Tests are often perceived as unpleasant

A communication from the TUM, according to 130 million people in Europe suffer from hay fever or other forms of allergic Rhinitis. The result: nasal congestion, itching and sneezing attacks.

The diagnosis so far most of the blood, or also called Intracutaneous to be used. In the case of the Latter added dropwise to the doctor, an aqueous solution with allergens such as Pollen on the marked Spots on the skin, explains the Institute for quality and efficiency in health care (IQWiG) on the Portal “”.

Then the skin is there with a Lancet, a little carved, so that the Allergy can penetrate-inducing substance, a little. An allergic reaction shows, according to the experts at the marked skin site by erythema and wheal formation.

This Test is perceived by many people as unpleasant, as the skin is injured superficially. However, blood sampling is felt by many patients – especially children – as problematic.

For more on Diagnosis tested

Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann, Professor of environmental medicine at the TUM and Director of the Institute for environmental medicine at the Helmholtz Zentrum München, has to be tested with your Team now have an additional Diagnosis of allergic Rhinitis.

The researchers studied samples of nasal secretion with a measuring method that was originally developed for blood: is As explained in the communication, it allows a new Biochip technology for some time, with a minimal amount of blood paint to determine the concentration of the antibody of the 112 allergens at a time.

With the molecular diagnostic technology, the scientists measured the inside and the scientist, the concentration of allergic antibodies of type Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) in the blood and in smears of the nasal secretion of their subjects, and subjects.

The data suggest that IgE antibodies are important for the mediation of certain allergic reactions. The researchers, both individuals with as examined also without sensitization to the most common allergens from the air, to hazelnut, to which the excreta of the house dust mite, grass pollen, and birch, and alder pollen count.

Evidence for a range of allergens

According to the research team, blood and nasal swab supplied with the same Test with similar results: In both samples, the same sensitization pattern, so the same substances that the body already has an immune response has developed could be detected for all the studied air-borne allergens.

A correlation between the detection of Allergy antibodies in the blood and in the nasal secretion had already been shown in previous studies for individual Aeroallergens.

Now, the researchers were able researchers to prove this relationship for a whole range of allergens in the air.

Their results were published in the journal “Allergy”.

Well suitable for small children

“A big advantage in the Allergy diagnosis with the nasal secretions, that is, in contrast to the blood or prick testing is good for small children. You have a therapy in the Form of desensitization is particularly important because in the age of the child from an allergic Rhinitis, an allergic Asthma can develop,“ explains Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann.

“We also do not accept that in the nose of an allergen-specific antibodies of type Immunoglobulin secretion can E detected in the blood is measurable. This we need to verify in further studies,“ added PD Dr. Stefanie Gilles. (ad)