Vitamin deficiency: 5 factors when it comes to choosing the right multivitamin for you

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According to nutritional therapist Amanda Williams, there are five factors to consider when it comes to choosing a multivitamin. Firstly, Amanda said “it is important to review your health so that you can make an informed choice”. Amanda elaborated: “For example, some multivitamin and mineral formulations may provide added support for areas such as energy, immunity or cognition.

“It may be helpful to speak to a health practitioner, such as a nutritional therapist, for information around health conditions to ensure you have as much information as possible.”

Secondly, your age “can determine the levels of micronutrients that are needed”.

Amanda explained: “A multivitamin with added CoQ10, for instance, would be more suited to those over 50, as levels can become depleted with age or through the use of certain medications.”

She added: “It’s a good idea to look for a formula that is specifically targeted to your needs in terms of gender too, because the micronutrient requirements for men and women can differ.


“For example, menstruating women may need extra iron in the formulation, which may be unsuitable for men.”

You are also advised to consider which stage of life you are at, which differs from age.

Amanda clarified: “Our bodies are amazing and the journey we all go through as we reach certain stages of life require as much support as possible.

“There are multivitamin and mineral formulations that have been designed to support specific phases of life, such as pregnancy, which gives rise to additional needs.

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“Switching to an appropriate formulation during these times is important to ensure maximum support.”

The fifth factor to consider is lifestyle; if you are an active person, a multivitamin that contains protein powder “may be an ideal choice”.

If you tend to feel fatigued, then Amanda recommends opting for a multivitamin with B vitamins for an energy boost.

“If the diet lacks adequate amounts of fruit and vegetables, then a superfood formulation with added phytonutrients can help to replace missing nutrients from the diet,” Amanda noted.

Five factors to consider when choosing the right multivitamin for you

  1. Health status
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Stage of life
  5. Lifestyle

“Although it may be helpful to consider individual vitamins and minerals for specific health conditions, a multivitamin and mineral gives you a nutritional foundation to support your overall health,” said Amanda.

“A good quality multivitamin and mineral formulation can act as a ‘nutritional multitasker’ to ensure that your nutrient needs are met and, ultimately, prevent any nutrient shortfalls impacting on your health, both in the short term and long term.”

Vitamin deficiencies

Supplement store Holland & Barrett identified common nutritional deficiencies in the UK.

These include: iron, vitamin D, magnesium, folic acid, and vitamin C deficiencies; all these can lead to their own symptoms.

For example, low levels of magnesium can lead to a loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

Amanda Williams is a nutritional therapist at market-leading supplement brand Cytoplan.

To find a high-quality and effective multivitamin that is right for you, try Cytoplan’s multivitamin quiz.

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