Type 2 diabetes symptoms aren’t easily spotted because symptoms don’t necessarily make you feel unwell. The condition affects a person’s blood sugar control, and left untreated, serious complications, such as kidney failure, nerve damage, heart disease and stroke, can occur.
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Some of the most common symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes include feeling thirsty all the time, feeling very tired, blurred vision and having cuts or wounds which take longer to heal.
But another telltale is how often a person urinates.
Because increased thirst can occur as a result go high blood sugar levels, this can cause polyuria – a condition where the body urinates more than usual and passes excessive or abnormally large amounts or urine each time you urinate.
Diabetes.co.uk explains: “Polyuria is defined as the frequent passage of large volumes of urine – more than 3 litres a day compared to the normal daily urine output in adults of about 1 to 2 litres.
“It is one of the main symptoms of diabetes (both type 1 and type 2 diabetes) and can lead to severe dehydration, which if left untreated can affect kidney function.”
When the kidneys filter blood to make urine, they reabsorb all of the sugar, returning it to the bloodstream.
The diabetes experts continues: “In diabetes, the level of sugar in the blood is abnormally high. Not all of the sugar can be reabsorbed and some of this excess glucose from the blood ends up in the urine where it draws more water.
“This results in unusually large volumes of urine.”
But polyuria can just be a result of drinking lots of fluids, particularly water and fluids that contain caffeine and alcohol.
What to do if you have type 2 diabetes
If you suspect you have the symptoms of the condition you should see your GP.
Your GP will then check your urine and arrange a blood test to check your blood sugar levels.
If you have diabetes, your GP will ask you to come in against so they can explain the test results and what will happen next.
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People with diabetes will also need to make some lifestyle changes to manage their blood sugar level.
The NHS recommends eating a healthy diet, keeping active and controlling your weight.
When it comes to diet, the health body advises: “There’s nothing you cannot eat if you have type 2 diabetes, but you’ll have to limit certain foods.
“You should eat a wide range of foods – including fruit, vegetables and some starchy foods like pasta, keep sugar, fat and salt to a minimum, and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day – do not skip meals.”
With exercise it recommends doing 2.5 hours of activity a week.
It says: “You can be active anywhere as along as what you’re doing gets you out of breath.
“This could be fast walking, climbing stairs and doing more strenuous housework or gardening.”
Losing weight will make it easier for your body to lower blood sugar, as well as improve blood pressure and cholesterol.
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