Police warn of Corona-grandchildren trick – perpetrators pretend to be Infected

Corona-crisis in Germany: 76 people have already died, approximately 22,000 have been infected with the Coronavirus. Worldwide are Infected already just under 300,000. The public life increasingly to a Standstill. All the information about the Coronavirus please see the News Ticker of FOCUS Online

All the warnings of the police, in Spite of an 83-year-old woman in Mannheim, Corona, con artists went on the glue, and a five-digit amount of money has been cheated. The unknown offenders use the so-called grandchild trick for several days in a new variant: you give, for example, as an infected alleged members and attract old people for alleged treatment costs money out of pocket. dpa/Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpabild An elderly woman got off the phone with a cordless landline phone.

The woman in Mannheim was asked because of an alleged financial distress of a caller to the help, because this would otherwise be detained. The Trick: The 83-Year-old should put the money in front of the door, because the caller will send a driver who will not ring the bell for fear of the Coronavirus. Too late for the Elderly woman came doubt – as she turned to the police, was the package already gone.

The President of the land office of criminal investigation (LKA), Ralf Michel fields, advises, never property to the new owner. The older people should insist that the caller say their name rather than be tempted to guess the names of grandchildren, or nephews and nieces. Helpful is also to ask after the events, the knowledge of the only real related. A further recommendation of the police chief: Details related to the partnership and financial circumstances never give the price, and it is the police under 110 report when a fraud is suspected.

Help you and inform your loved ones about the instructions of the police and how you can respond.