Neck pain: This simple tip can help – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Proper posture: neck pain instead of the head lower

Who is not familiar with the: The head does not rotate, the neck is stiff and the pain to in the shoulders. Often muscle tension is the trigger for the neck pain, for example after a long time of computer work or intense cell phone use. Experts explain what can help against it.

Back complaints are valid in this country as a people’s disease number One. Risk factors include lack of in addition to movement, Obesity and even stress. Neck pain are among the most common back problems. The Aktion Gesunder rücken e. V. explained in a message, how it comes to that. In addition, is informed how you can handle the pain.

On the attitude is everything


Neck tension for many of everyday life. The pain is triggered by muscle tension and hardening in the area of the upper thoracic spine and the cervical spine is often due to poor posture at Work, or intensive Use of the smartphone.

The Aktion Gesunder rücken e. V. therefore recommends to review the Work and on the phone regularly the attitude. A tip from the professionals: Lower often times the view of the Smartphone, rather than the head.


In addition, it is advisable to use the back muscles with Exercises to strengthen it, to prevent complaints. Also important is a back-friendly workplace – such as, for example, an office chair that allows for dynamic Sitting.

Who has a height-adjustable Desk, stand at work occasionally.

So acute pain

Symptoms occur however, there are some things you can do to relieve the acute pain. The trade Guild sickness Fund IKK healthy plus says on their website:

  • Heat, blood circulation to the muscle and relieves pain. In addition, small cracks can heal in the muscle faster. Wrap a scarf around the neck, put under a red light or put a warmed-up cherry stone pillow or a hot water bottle.
  • Ointments, baths and liniments, for example, with Cayenne pepper, benzyl nikotinat or salicylate also promote the blood circulation and act as analgesic.
  • Gentle massage to release tension; this can also be carried out.
  • Do not make jerky movements. Even in the case of severe symptoms, you should move as soon as possible again. To protect the muscles, extends the Problem.
  • In the case of very strong pain taking a pain can be useful to get up to speed again.

If the pain does not subside even after a few days, should consult a Doctor, or a doctor. (ad)

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