Mask duty is well accepted

The Wearing of a mouth-nose cover is available in many of the länder now mandatory or at least strongly recommended. Six out of seven respondents (86 percent) think that the measure is appropriate. The so-called Corona-Monitor, a regular survey of the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) shows.

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To use while in the first survey four weeks ago, only six per cent data, masks, or gloves, increased this to 33 per cent, and thus represents the Shunning of the Public (46 percent) the second most frequently mentioned method of protection against the Coronavirus. "The majority of the population is in favour of a mask of duty, shows that the threat wird&quot taken by the novel Coronavirus is still very serious;, BfR President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel says. A further survey of the University of Trier also shows that the consent of the population, to wear in Corona times a mask, is high: In shops, as well as public transport and buildings between 50 and 80 percent of the respondents would wear depending on the environment – a face protection. On the road, only about one out of every five would, however, show significantly fewer people with mask.

The survey also revealed significant differences in the reasons for the mask, use: For young people under 25 years of age, it played hardly any role that you can protect others with it. Also, women were less by the reference to the protection of other convince, to reach for the mask. Men were, however, the self-protection is not a priority. In addition, the survey showed that people would use with, higher education is more of a mask.

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