Journalists Discuss Long Covid, Delta Variant, Clinic for Migrants

California Healthline producer Lydia Zuraw told of her experience with long covid and how singing helped her shortness of breath on Newsy’s “Morning Rush” on Thursday.

  • Click here to watch Zuraw on Newsy
  • Click here to read Zuraw’s “A Break From Breathlessness: How Singing Helped Me Through Long Covid“

California Healthline reporter and producer Heidi de Marco discussed a clinic treating migrants at the Mexican border on KCET’s “SoCal Update” on Wednesday.

  • Click here to hear de Marco on SoCal Update
  • Click here to read de Marco’s “‘It’s a Mission’: Volunteers Treat Refugees Massing at the Border“

KHN Colorado correspondent Rae Ellen Bichell spoke about the covid-19 delta variant on Illinois Public Media’s “The 21st Show” on Tuesday.

  • Click here to hear Bichell on The 21st Show

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