Federal government defies the US: No shortage of Corona-medium-Remdesivir

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 10 million people have been infected with the novel Coronavirus, 195.226 in Germany – where it always comes back to local outbreaks. The latest news on Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: criminal complaint against Streeck due to Heinsberg-study (21: 49) Elon Musk increases with Tesla to vaccine-race, (17: 09) report: a Minimum of 7 Corona-Infected after the family celebration in Kiel (13.47 hrs) to stock empty have purchased: Spahn-announcement of Remdesivir manufacturer (8.10 PM)

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The Bonn public Prosecutor’s office has rejected the opening of an investigation against the virologists Hendrik Streeck, in connection with the Heinsberg-study. The &quot reported;rp-online". Previously a scientist Streeck had displayed, and accused him of fraud.

UK cancels quarantine for travelers

Friday, 3. July, 7.10 PM: German must, with a trip to England in the future, there will be no more in a 14-day quarantine issued. The British government announced in the night of Friday, a corresponding easing of the due to the Corona pandemic, imposed restrictions on admission. The elimination of the quarantine requirement applies from the 10. July. Also Passengers from France, Italy and Spain do not have to go in Isolation.

In other Parts of the United Kingdom will, however, continue to apply the quarantine rule. If you travel from Germany to Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, must go there for two weeks in Isolation.

Because of the mandatory quarantines, the Federal Foreign office in Berlin warns to date prior to travel to the whole of the UK. The British government expressed the expectation that the current partial abolition of the rule will lead to a corresponding relaxation in the benefiting States.

"Today is the opening of our great Nation,&quot marks the next step in the cautious again; the British transport Minister Grant shapp’s said. The elimination of the mandatory quarantines, he called a "good Nachricht" for citizens and companies in his country.

Texas imposed due to Corona-pandemic mask duty

23.10: In Texas, was Governor Greg Abbott, in view of the dramatic increase in the number of new infections a u-turn. The Republicans ordered on Thursday a mask mandatory for all districts with 20 or more Corona cases. Thus, the spread of the Virus could not only be slowed, but the economy will be kept Running, said Abbott. He followed the line of more than a dozen States. The step was nonetheless remarkable. Abbott had said in June: "The government can’t require individuals to wear face masks."

Criminal charges against Streeck due to Heinsberg-study

21.49 clock: In connection with the also politically significant Heinsberg-study of the Bonn virologists Hendrik Streeck is a criminal ad in front of. As the criminal investigation Department in Bonn, Germany the business magazine "Capital" (Online) certified, is received, the display in the past week and has now been forwarded to the Prosecutor’s office in Bonn.

Among other things, allegations against the Director of studies Streeck be charged for fraud. The view plate, which is to a scientist, accuses Streeck, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia deceived, for third-party funding for the study must be obtained. In addition, the virologist instead of with the Client-based insights, and facts agreed upon scientifically but &quot have;invented Forschungsergebnisse" delivered, is it in the display, the "Capital" is present. Federico Gambarini/dpa , Armin Laschet (CDU,r) and Hendrik Streeck (l), Director of the Institute for Virology at the University hospital in Bonn, Germany, on the way to the press conference.

This deals specifically with statements in the interim report to Heinsberg-study from 9. April to a connection between hygiene measures, the concentration of the Virus and the severity of the Corona disease. These had been collected in the study, no data that support a scientific finding, is it in the display.

Streeck rejects allegations

At the request of "Capital" back meadows Streeck and further involved in the study, scientists at the University of Bonn all of the allegations. With a view to their statements in the interim report, you referred to Gangelt on their investigations of the carnival session in the place where many people are infected: The "Diskussionspunkt" the interim report is based "the results show that the severity of the disease, for participation in the Super-Spreading Event (with a correspondingly poor hygienic conditions) is significantly higher than in the case of persons not participating in such an Event, participated haben". dpa/Federico Gambarini/dpabild Professor Hendrik Streeck, Director of the Institute for Virology at the University hospital in Bonn, Germany.

In addition, Streeck also defended the stating in his bid for the state government from the 25. March, which to this time already a "positive Ethikvotum" the competent ethics Commission of the University of Bonn that was about it. According to the entry for Heinsberg-study in the German Register of Clinical studies (DRKS) was the decision of the ethics Committee until 31. March issued only after the conclusion of the contract between Streeck and of the state government, which financed the Heinsberg-study with around 65000 Euro plus VAT. However, the researchers stressed that it "several Voten" the ethics Commission – including the one on 24. March.

Because of the charge "invented Forschungsergebnisse" also, the German research Foundation (DFG) is currently conducting a preliminary examination, as a speaker at the request of "Capital" confirmed. It’ll go "in the first Linie" therefore, whether it is in Heinsberg-study, a DFG-respect give. In the past week, the DFG has asked the Bonn researchers opinion.

Sweden is to review its special role in the Corona-crisis critical

21.45 PM: The because of its special path in the management of the Corona pandemic is massively in the criticism Sweden has a Review of its crisis management announced. The government in Stockholm, commissioned on Thursday, the state-funded Swedish defense research Agency (FOI) with the analysis. On Wednesday, the Agency had submitted a report in which a lack of preparation in Sweden on the Corona-crisis, it was claimed, although there are several "Warnschüsse" ‘ve given. © Anders Wiklund (dpa) Strange exceptionalism? / German Intern experienced Corona-crisis in Sweden

In spite of the experience of other epidemics such as Sars, bird flu and swine flu have in Sweden "as in other countries, in the case of incomplete preparation, as the Corona-pandemic einschlug", found the FOI experts. The Corona pandemic have weaknesses in the Swedish crisis management and the "Robustness of the population to light gebracht".

The authors of the report also criticized inadequate protection, clothing, as well as a lack of medical equipment. Interruptions in the supply chains indicated, therefore, in addition to a lack of "Planning on top Ebene" go.

Internationally, the handling of Sweden, with the Corona has caused a crisis for criticism. Unlike most other European countries imposed in Sweden, there is no output restrictions, the spread of the Virus to contain. Schools, cafes, Bars, Restaurants, and most businesses remained open.

Meanwhile, the Northern European countries recorded a rate significantly higher mortality than its neighbouring Scandinavian countries. According to official figures, have been detected since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 70,000 infections, more than 5400 people were killed.

Number of Corona infections has fallen slightly – a province stands out again

20.09 PM: In Germany, are so far 195.226 positive Corona Tests been reported, such as data from the country’s health and social ministries are the result. The are 431 more than on Wednesday – the number is slightly declining. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania reported again as the only state with no new infections. dpa/picture-alliance / dpa Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania again recorded no new Corona infections.

Yet 8.972 people have died from the effects of Coronavirus – ten deaths were added from Wednesday to Thursday. According to the Robert Koch Institute 180.300 Diseased are healed now and again. Thus, about 5.954 people are acutely infected (active cases). The number of acutely Infected fell for the fourth day in a row.

The reproductive value (R) decreased slightly from 0.86 to 0.83 and continues to be, under the as critical considered brand of 1.0.

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 35.780 (1.839 Deaths)
  • Bavaria: 48.494 (2.594 Deaths)
  • Berlin: 8.344 (214 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3.470 (172 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 1.678 (53 Deaths)
  • Hamburg: 5.211 (231 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 10.869 (507 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 803 (20 Deaths) *
  • Lower Saxony: 13.579 (634 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 43.436 (1.684 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 7.028 (235 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2.769 (174 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 5.449 (223 Deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1.880 (59 Deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: Total Of 3,176 (152 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 3.260 (181 Deaths)

Total (As Of: 02.07.20, 20.04 PM): 195.226 (8.972 Deaths)

The Previous Day (As Of 01.07.20, 19.10 PM): 194.795 (8.962 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 180.300.

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 0,83 (Stand 02.07.20)

Surf tip: Coronavirus reproductive number and the smoothed R-value explained

Greiz district hospital confirmed 69 Corona cases, contrary to media report

18.56 PM: The Greiz district hospital has confirmed that between 19. March and the 18. In may, a total of 69 employees of the house had been on the Coronavirus tested. Since then, no new Corona had proven cases within the clinic staff informed the hospital on Thursday in Greiz. It was unclear whether employees had been infected in the professional or private environment. dpa/Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Central image/ZBbild The centre of the old town of Greiz.

The hospital responded with a statement on a report of the weekly newspaper “die Zeit”. The suspicions raised, more positive cases had been therefore not detected, because it is only reserved for infection tested had been rejected by the clinic. Also from the point of view of the health office, the test of capacity in the hospital Greiz had been at any time sufficient.

The paper had further reported that a Patient had shared after surgery, the room with a Covid-19-patients had been discharged without trial, and days later, also at Covid-19 ill. Due to medical confidentiality you can give to the concrete individual case no information, so the hospital. It was with the editors of “time” in contact, in order to determine the potentially affected patients, and the case work up. In principle, would be separated in the Greiz district hospital patient flows “consistently from each other”.

It was confirmed that the maximum occupancy of the Corona treatment station of the hospital for a few days in 25 patients, two nurses and two Care assistants were supervised. “This is a for hospitals usual care rate”, so the hospital management.

The circle of Greiz, with around 98 000 inhabitants, was the largest Hotspot in the Corona pandemic in Thuringia and made with high infection rates nationwide attention. According to Figures from the Ministry of social Affairs 669 people have been in the Ostthüringer County positive for the novel Virus, Sars-CoV-2 tested, 48 have died of or with such an infection.

Elon Musk with Tesla to vaccine-race and build Mini-factories for CureVac in Germany

17.09 PM: Just plant the U.S. electric car maker Tesla, its first factory in Europe to build – for a whopping 1,065 billion euros. Company CEO Elon Musk is not a man of empty words, but one of the great speeches with actions. Now the Visionary wants to start in the global race to the Corona vaccine. The US electric car manufacturer wants to develop for the German Biotech company CureVac, which is a vaccine, Mini-factories to build. The majority shareholder of the company Dietmar Hopp is.

On Twitter, Musk says: “Tesla is building as a side project RNA mini factories for CureVac and possibly others.” So the company should be able to restore after the completion of a possible vaccine this quickly in huge quantities. The production itself will take place in the German Tesla-daughter Grohmann.

After Greece – Spain-vacation, only with QR-Code

17.05 PM: Greece is making it before, now follows Spain: From the 1. July need to fill out the tourists who want to travel both on the Spanish mainland as well as on the Islands, prior to the entry of a form to the health control, n-tv reported. This should be specified next to the name, address, telephone number, age and ID number, what was the last place of residence, whether there were previous trips in other countries and at which address, it remains in the country. Then, a QR Code is generated, you have to show for it at the airport. Without the Code you cannot enter into the country.

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