Darmstadt: bus driver admonished mask denier and is beaten

The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 15 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 206.467 of them in Germany. The United States reported almost daily new record numbers.

After repeated admonition to a group of die-hard opponents of passengers due to the lack of Corona-protection of a bus driver in Darmstadt, Germany, has been beaten and injured. An unknown woman got hammered on the rider at the end of the bus ride several times, police said on Wednesday. The 20 to 30-year-old Suspect had entered with three men and a child in the Bus. All had worn no mouth-nose protection and had been warned several times subsequently, to fulfil this obligation. Instead of putting on a mask, they would have offended the driver. At the last stop, the woman opened the door to the driver and slammed. The rabid passengers fled then. The police are looking for witnesses who may have seen the scrapper or your companion.

Darmstadt’s Lord mayor Jochen Partsch (Green) has condemned the incident: "The people who are being subjected to this violence, are representative for all of us, and they do their job to protect us allen", he explained. "The currently increasing disrespect and violence against security forces, but also against fire brigades, rescue and auxiliary services, and other persons Employed in the public service must be stopped."

A similar case occurred recently in France. Two men had beaten a bus driver in the southwest of France Bayonne, according to investigators, so fierce and resigned, that he had to be declared in the hospital, brain dead – apparently from a completely banal reason: The driver, the passengers had asked how Corona required protective masks to put on.

The latest news on Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.


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