Charming Zagori Wants to Tell You His Story

No need to travel to Greece for this picturesque destination—Zagori is a handsome cat that you can take home with you!

Zagori first came to us from a tough background and we’re all super proud of how far he’s come! He’d love to tell you all about himself as you get to know each other. Treats and play are crucial in helping him open up. Zagori is a foodie at heart and can’t get enough snacks! He’s also been known to be quite the silly kitten when he’s playing. He will either keep himself entertained with small stuffed animals or crinkly mylar toys, or he’ll join you in a rousing game of chase with wand toys. Zagori is also a huge fan of catnip—you should see him, it’s quite an adorable sight!

Zagori grew up around other cats and is a big fan—because of this he needs to be adopted into a home with a social and confident resident cat to help him feel comfortable. He can be a bit shy around people at first, but with patience and time to adjust on his own terms—and those treats and play sessions—he has learned to feel more relaxed around his human friends. Zagori would do best in a home with an experienced and patient adopter who is willing to allow him the space he needs to blossom alongside a resident feline friend.

Zagori would probably do best in a home with teens and up, and without any dogs. Adopters should use a slow approach and avoid forced interactions. Slow and steady wins over Zagori’s affections! A Matchmaker can help you set Zagori up for success in the home!

Are you in the tri-state area and looking for a cat as adorable as Zagori? Check out his profile to submit an application!

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