Anti-Corona measures: mask naturopathy specialist portal, carry, and keep your Distance long naturopathy stay

Corona does not disappear soon, still caution

A recent survey has shown that the vast majority of the population in this country continues to be at the Anti-Corona measures such as Mask and keep your Distance keeps. However, more and more people want to return to “normality”. An expert from the USA explained why the current security measures are still important, and long have.

A few months after the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, it may be tempting to relax some of the efforts that have been made in order to stay safe and healthy. (After all, Wearing a mask is not in the heat of summer, just comfortable.) But now is the time to let up is not. Since the relaxations in different States, an increase in the COVID is, in many cases, there has been 19 Figures, particularly among younger people.

Learn to live with the Virus

“The Virus will remain for the foreseeable future,” explains Dr. Tomislav Mihaljevic, CEO and President of the renowned Cleveland Clinic (USA) in a post. “We have neither a cure nor a vaccine, therefore, we must learn to live in our communities with the Virus.”

This means that we have to accept the security measures against the Coronavirus, as a part of our lives for the immediate future. These measures are, the &#8211 are recommended for months; you avoid large gatherings, pay attention to hygiene is in good hands, wear a mask and keep yourself in public places by others.

Although you may be sorry to hear of this, these steps are still just as important. And in order to be effective, we need to follow you all and always.

Shared Responsibility

Even in a pandemic, which covers the largest part of the world, their individual decisions and actions make a difference – both for you and for others.

“A challenge of the pandemic is that people need to be around us very carefully, so that we can individually stay safe and healthy,” says Dr. Mihaljevic. “We must together take responsibility for the health of our societies.”

The mask is a important part of this is wear. Recent studies have provided more evidence that Wearing a mask can help to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Masks are only a part of the strategy. It is also important to be careful when you spend time with others outside of your household, and to avoid large group meetings – especially in interior spaces without good ventilation.

Since the beginning of the pandemic learned a lot

Those whose summer were cancelled plans and spent the last few months a lot of time at home, may have the feeling that the world is at a standstill. But she doesn’t. Throughout the world medical professionals day-to-day work in order to develop a vaccine and possible treatments for COVID-discover 19 – and you are making progress.

“We have seen in medical research have never seen so much energy and concentration on a single threat to public health,” says Dr. Mihaljevic.

The health service providers have learned since the beginning of the pandemic, much. You have to know new symptoms of inflammation of the blood vessels toes to COVID -. “The COVID-19-infection affects the entire body,” explains the physician. This new Knowledge has helped to better support patients with COVID-19 to prepare and take care of this.

Although it is not clear how long the pandemic will last, should we accept this ambiguity because we know that many people are working hard to combat the pandemic, says Dr. Mihaljevic. The Rest of us should continue its efforts, this Virus to contain, and to make our communities safe for everyone.

The majority to comply with regulations

In Germany, these efforts by the largest part of the population will continue, as a recent survey shows. According to a communication from scientists at Heidelberg University have surveyed approximately 1,300 people online, how they perceive the measures for the control of the Corona pandemic, and to deal with it.

More than 80 percent of the respondents said they always or at least most of the requirements such as the mask of duty, keep your Distance and contact restraints held. The acceptance of the Lockdown connected to the fundamental right cuts is also great.

Much more critical is the balance between social Benefit and economic harm from falls. Over half of the respondents – 52 percent – was of the opinion that the damage outweighs the Benefits.

Surprisingly low is the willingness to be, to get vaccinated, if a vaccine should be available in the near future seems to be. Just 55 percent of the respondents indicated that it may be fairly or very likely to do. (ad)

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