The Beauty Product Abbie Chatfield Swears By For Adult Acne

If you’ve ever experienced acne, you’d likely know the feeling of self-consciousness and shame associated with blemish-prone skin. You can be eating right, exercising, and doing everything a dermatologist or skin guru suggests when it comes to dealing with acne, but sometimes our genetics and hormones are just too stubborn. While our skin certainly doesn’t define our worth, dealing with acne in your adult years is stressful and can leave you spending exorbitant amounts on anything and anyone, just in the hope they might be able to treat your acne. For Abbie Chatfield, the reality TV star and feminist icon saw her skin clear up all thanks to one product. 

In a recent interview with Body and Soul, the star revealed that she had acne flare-ups in her teens but her skin is still problematic, usually during her period or when she’s going through a very stressful time. When she was cast on The Bachelor, her skin broke out significantly. “My skin was at its worst when I was filming for The Bachelor,” said Abbie. “The stressful environment, plus the heavy makeup every day took a toll on me and my skin.”

Abbie added, “I still have some scarring and my acne is a constant battle. I try my best to look after my skin but now and again I have an intense breakout. Normally when I’m stressed, eating badly or sleep in my make-up after a night out – we’re all guilty now and again, right!”

Thankfully, Abbie found a product that helped with her skin woes: TBH Skincare. “Like most people, I found something that works for me so I stick with it. Get a routine and stick to it,” she told the publication. “And try to stay comfortable in your skin. Everyone has something they struggle with, but help is out there.”

More importantly though, even when dealing with her skin at its worst, Abbie didn’t let it derail her sense of self or confidence. “I’m a confident person so I try to feel good in my own skin, break out or no break out. The truth is everyone has good skin and bad skin days, it shouldn’t affect you as a person. That said, there are days where I wish my skin would just clear up.”

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