Test your stress by speaking for just 90 seconds

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Users answer open-ended questions and their responses are assessed by the pioneering algorithm.

The free StressWaves test listens to pitch, tone, word choice and pauses in speech to give a “stress score” and a “visual stress portrait”.

It then produces a graphic to illustrate the user’s stress levels, ranging from “no stress” to “extremely stressed”.

Health company Cigna Europe created the artificial intelligence in partnership with Ellipsis Health.

Dr Peter Mills, associate medical director of Cigna Europe, said: “Stress and mental health issues have been pushed up the agenda in recent years.

“While this increased awareness is a positive change, the pandemic has created many new pressures in our lives.

“But if stress goes unchecked, we may see dramatic consequences and that’s why innovative health tools like this one are so important.”

In a poll conducted by Cigna last year, 71 percent of people reported being stressed in the UK – rising to 83 percent globally.

The advanced AI was created using a dataset of more than 15,000 people aged 18 to 80 with varying accents and levels of English-speaking ability.

The test does not keep voice recordings once they have been used to produce the measurements. It can be found at www.cignastresswaves.com.

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