Taurus Horoscope 2021: What the Stars Predict for You This Year

Read your sign's monthly horoscope to see what the universe has in store for you, or check out the Taurus personality profile.

Get ready for 2021, Taurus. 2020 was historically awful, and now we must collectively start to pick up the pieces and move on with life. This will mean different things for everyone, but for you, dear Taurus, 2021 will largely be about your career. Even as financial fallout continues from COVID-19, the next 12 months will include some life-changing opportunities and decisions regarding your professional life, so get ready to make money moves. 

You step into your power early in the year when warrior planet Mars enters your sign on Wednesday, January 6. Mars, which rules fucking and fighting, does not go retrograde this year, which means that your ability to stand up for yourself and assert your needs will remain relatively steady. You're ready to state your needs and claim them, especially as related to sex and money. Fight for your worth. 

Lover planet Venus enters your sign on Wednesday, April 14, turning the love gods in your favor just before your birthday.

Eccentric Uranus, which has been in your sign since March of 2019, squares off with restrictive Saturn three times in 2021, first on Wednesday, February 17, then on Monday, June 14, and finally on Friday, December 24. This happens only every 22 and a half years, and marks periods of time where conservative thinking clashes with more revolutionary ideas. While it doesn't necessarily promise progress, it does make it more likely, as tough conversations about everything from the economy to the pandemic will remain at the forefront. On a personal level, Taurus, because Saturn is in your 10th House (which rules the career), you might be thinking about what's more important to you when it comes to job security and creative freedom. When you figure it out, you'll take action to get what you want. 

Lover planet Venus enters your sign on Wednesday, April 14, turning the love gods in your favor just in time for your birthday. It becomes easier to communicate your desires when messenger Mercury also enters Taurus on Monday, April 19. Taurus season officially kicks off on that same day. You're feeling confident and good about yourself, a feeling that you're relishing in after the last year. Enjoy it.  

You must put hard work and action into your professional ambitions or else they will float away. 

Lucky planet Jupiter is also in your 10th House for most of the year, helping you continue your focus on your career. However, you get a small reality check when the planet enters intuitive Pisces on Thursday, May 13. Dreams aren't enough. You must put hard work and action into your professional ambitions or else they will float away. Remember to be confident, Taurus, you're a rockstar! 

Get your calendar out, because there are four eclipses to prepare for this year, including one in your sign. The first is a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on Wednesday, May 26, followed by a solar eclipse on Thursday, June 10 in Gemini. Then, there is a lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday, November 19 followed by a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on Saturday, December 4. Eclipses are cosmic wildcards that can bring about sudden endings and unexpected news, so it's always best to play it safe and lay low. Pay special attention to the solar eclipse on Thursday, June 10 in Gemini, as this will likely bring information to light regarding your finances; just more information pertinent to the career-focused path 2021 set out for you. 

No matter how satisfying it feels to have someone come back to you, never forget that it ended for a reason.

Mercury goes retrograde in Libra, the sign of relationships, from Monday, September 27 to Monday, October 18 (and also from Saturday, January 30 to Saturday, February 20 in Aquarius and Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22 in Gemini). Watch your words, be careful not to say the wrong name in bed, and prepare for an attack of the exes. No matter how satisfying it feels to have someone come back to you, never forget that it ended for a reason. Don't let anyone get in the way of your progress in 2021. The year is ripe for you to enjoy all the blessings of your ruling planet, goddess Venus, aka, love and money. 

Your year's goal of getting your career to a place of both satisfaction and prosperity comes to a climax when Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, December 19 in your 9th House, the House of Philosophy, which rules our search for meaning. This transit may feel abrupt and like a final wake-up call. Don't limit yourself, and don't let negative thinking turn into a spiral. It's true that the economy is in the toilet and that there are many things outside of our control. But 2021 demands that you realize that you deserve to be respected for all the hard work you do — and paid for it, too. Stay safe, Taurus, and remember that you are powerful and brilliant. You've got this!

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