Nettle health benefits: Pharmacists plant drink lowers blood sugar and blood pressure

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Stinging nettles are “quite remarkable”, remarked Roy Lamb. A rich source of omega-3, essential amino acids, vitamin A, calcium, and fibre, the nutrient-dense plant can prolong longevity. Its omega-3 content, which “plays a vital role in controlling cholesterol”, matches that of spinach. Nettles also contain “almost the same amount of amino acids as chicken”, so it’s abundant in its muscle-building capability.

Meanwhile, the vitamin A in the weed keeps your immune system and eyes healthy, while calcium is important for strong bones and teeth.

Nettle’s fibre content is good for digestion and its iron levels is said to help with your energy levels and focus.

“One interesting and unexpected benefit of nettle is that it can lower blood sugar levels,” said Lamb, “and help maintain them within a healthy range”.

Lamb detailed clinical evidence supporting this notion, which involved 46 participants who had type 2 diabetes.

The diabetic volunteers were asked to consume nettle supplements over three months.

“What they found was that participants taking the nettle supplement had significantly reduced blood glucose levels,” said Lamb. “Regardless of their diet, age or amount of exercise.”

This “significant finding” could help nettle become an effective treatment for diabetes, mused Lamb.

He believes that nettles, consumed in smaller doses, could “help the average person to maintain a healthy blood sugar level”.

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“This could reduce the chances of developing diabetes in the first place,” he added.

Lamb then drew attention to another health benefit of nettles – they could help to control blood pressure.

“One study, which tested the effects of nettle on rats and rabbits, found that a nettle extraction helped reduce blood pressure in both normal and hypertensive (high blood pressure) animals,” he detailed.

“Consuming lower doses of nettle on a regular basis could help with the healthy maintenance of blood pressure and ward off heart issues.”

For any hay fever sufferers, you may want to rejoice with the next piece of evidence Lamb provides.

“Studies have shown that nettles contain several bioactive compounds that contribute to anti-inflammatory effects on the human body,” Lamb added. “Especially those associated with seasonal allergies like hay fever.”

“Specifically, they inhibit the inflammatory response to pollen that causes hay fever, helping to stop symptoms before they start, essentially acting as an antihistamine.”

Nettle has also been shown to increase both red and white blood cell count, which can help the body’s immunity functioning at its peak.

While nettle has been part of traditional medicine for eons, scientific research is now providing vital evidence that the plant could have life-enhancing effects.

Lamb said there’s nothing wrong with picking weeds from the garden, as long as you wash them off and boil them before you add the plant to your meals.

However, if you’d rather a more simplistic way of enjoying the health benefits of nettles, Lamb recommends the Emunity detox health drink.

Easily drinkable from a can, Emunity harnesses the healing properties of the weed without the fuss.

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