Five fun creepy-crawly yoga poses for children

Encourage your child to practise yoga and embrace a healthier lifestyle with these amazing and interesting postures

By Sabrina Merchant

Indulge your child’s imagination and help them connect with mother nature with some fun creepy crawly yoga postures. Despite their frightening appearance many insects and arachnids are environmentally beneficial. Teach your children to appreciate all living creatures and understand their importance.

Encourage your child to practise yoga and embrace a healthier lifestyle with these amazing and interesting postures. These poses improve flexibility of the spine as well as strengthen the torso and core muscles. Practising these asanas regularly can also help improve metabolism, blood circulation, memory and concentration.

Spider Pose

How to do
1. Start by standing with your feet apart.
2. Extend your hands on top above your head in namaste.
3. Now bend your knees into a wide squat.
4. Take your hands down between your legs and bring them to the outer edge of your feet.
5. Try not dropping your hips here.
6. Hold this pose for 10 counts.

Scorpion Pose

How to do
1. Start by coming onto your fours (table pose). Palms under your shoulder and knees under your hips.
2. Lift your right foot keeping your right knee bent so that the sole of the foot is facing the ceiling.
3. Pulse your foot to the ceiling 10 times.
4. Bring your knee back on the ground.
5. Repeat on the left side.

Centipede Pose

How to do
1. Start by coming into the table pose.
2. Now stretch your left leg behind you, on your toes.
3. Slowly lift your right foot in the air, like a back kick.
4. Stretch like a centipede.
5. Now bring your your right knee close to your right elbow, foot in the air. Toes pointed.
6. And curl like a millipede.
7. Do this 5 times on each side.

Grasshopper Pose

How to do
1. Start by coming into the table pose.
2. Now stretch your right leg behind, knees up, on your toes.
3. Repeat with your left leg.
4. Hold this pose.

Ant Pose

How to do
1. Sit up tall and bring the bottoms of your feet together.
2. Lift your hands, raise your arms and join your palms above your head.
3. Now thread your hands down under your leg and hold your toes. Bring your knees down and slowly fold forward to touch your forehead with your toes.
4. Hold for 3-4 breaths.
5. When you are ready to release the pose, slowly first un-thread the hands and then sit up to come to start position.

(The writer is the founder of Li’l Yogis, a certified Kids Yoga Expert and the author of ‘Ocean Yoga’)

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