Coronavirus: the German population is concerned, but be careful – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

BfR-Corona-Monitor: the majority of the population does not concern due to Coronavirus

In some countries, have been reported in the past few days, significant increases of the Coronavirus cases. In this country, however, were registered last only a few new infections. This has probably also led to the fact that the majority of the German population is not worried about SARS-CoV-2. The measures to contain the novel Virus, but the majority of continue to consent.

Recently, it was reported that the number of Coronavirus-rises in new infections in Sweden is growing rapidly. Also in China, a significant increase in new Corona cases is causing concern. In Germany, most people are not worried about the Virus, however. The show current data of the “BfR-Corona-monitor”, a periodic survey of the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR).

There is no immediate threat from the Virus fears

Although a number of measures against the Coronavirus SARS-CoV were loosened in figure 2, in Germany in the past few weeks, only relatively few new infections occurred.

This fact influenced also, apparently, the perception of Risk, says a press release from the BfR.

Only 19 percent of the respondents in the current “BfR-Corona-Monitor,” the effects of Coronavirus on the own economic Situation worries. And about the possible consequences for physical health, only 13 per cent are even concerned.

“The last few weeks have made us breathe a sigh of relief,” says BfR President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel. “Most people don’t currently think they are directly threatened by the Virus.”

About the consequences of the novel Coronavirus to the social relations 16 percent of the respondents are concerned, 57 percent are more likely to not Worry. Ten percent are worried about their mental health, with 72 per cent of those fears play a role.

Broad support for measures to curb

Thus, though the concern about the consequences for one’s own life is relatively low, the measures to contain the Virus continue to widespread approval.

So at least 80 percent of the respondents measures such as the distance control, the cancellation of events, or the mask of duty assess, as appropriate.

At least the grounds were accepted by the requested measures limitations in School and daycare operation (64 percent).

What protection precautions are taken

The information that was collected for the first Time on the basis of a predetermined list of how many of the participants, specific arrangements for the protection against infection were taken.

In the previous survey waves, respondents could name, however, is open and is the target of the measures they applied at the relevant time.


According to the BfR, 90 percent at least, by the Wearing of masks or thorough hand infection wash prevent.

79 percent of the respondents reported to meet less often with family and friends, and 73 percent confirmed, to leave General less your home.

And even if, in the meantime, the time of the empty toilet paper shelves over, say, 19 percent, creating larger stocks. (ad)

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