Can COVID trigger-19 Diabetes? – Naturopathy Naturopathy Specialist Portal

COVID-19 is a new risk factor for Diabetes?

COVID-19 seems to stand in different ways with Diabetes. According to a recent study, an existing Diabetes increases the risk of developing a disease, difficult to COVID-19, and COVID-19 the other way may increase the risk of developing Diabetes.

Researchers from the King’s College London found that COVID-19 could be a new risk factor for the development of Diabetes. A growing number of people with COVID-19 emerging Diabetes is documented. The results of the research were recently presented in the prestigious scientific journal “New England Journal of Medicine”.

Diabetes increases the risk for severe COVID-19-gradients

Previous clinical observations show a relationship between COVID-19 and Diabetes. It is known already that Diabetes is associated with an increased risk for the severity and the mortality of COVID-19. Up to 30 percent of all COVID-19-deaths Diabetes was.

COVID-19 seems to increase the risk of Diabetes

Will develop, Vice versa, more and more cases are known in which to be Concerned, in the course of a COVID-19-disease Diabetes. It is still unclear how SARS-Cov-2, and Diabetes are related. It is known that the Coronavirus binds to the Protein ACE-2, which is also involved in the glucose metabolism. Investigations showed that SARS-Cov-2 is also in the pancreas, the small intestine, the adipose tissue, the liver, and the kidney is undetectable.

The researchers therefore suspect that the Virus may cause by the Penetration in these tissues is diverse and complex functional disorders of the glucose metabolism. This also coincides with the long-known knowledge that other virus infections, such as rubella in the development of type 1 Diabetes to be involved.

Two epidemics collide

“Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases, and we now see the consequences of the inevitable collision of two epidemics,” says study Co-leader Professor Francesco Rubino. At the time you do not yet know whether the acute Manifestation of Diabetes in COVID-19 is unique to the classic type 1 Diabetes or type 2. Possibly it was even a new Form.

Of 17 renowned Diabetes experts reviewed

17 of the world’s leading Diabetes experts reviewed the results and signed the study. Now a global registry for new cases of Diabetes should be established, which can be detected in patients with COVID-19. The aim of the register is to understand the extent and the characteristics of the manifestations of Diabetes in individuals with COVID-19, and as a result, new strategies for the treatment derive.

“The Register is focused on routinely collected clinical data, which will help us to examine the insulin secretion capacity, insulin resistance, and the Status of the auto-immune antibodies, in order to understand how the developed COVID-19-related Diabetes,” says Professor Stephanie Amiel, a diabetes researcher at King’s College, London. The study of Diabetes in connection with COVID-19 may reveal new disease mechanisms, says the expert. (vb)

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