Bloke claims he used stinging nettles to cure his hay fever

Many people love summer but dread the fact that it means they are blighted with hay fever symptoms.

From sneezing, to a runny nose and itchy, red or watery eyes, it certainly isn't fun.

However, one bloke claims to have found the cure – using stinging nettles to help his hay fever,

Most people use antihistamines and other treatments to alleviate the sneezing.

But one man thinks he has an actual cure – but it's not for the faint-hearted.

Despite his recommendation, we should probably warn you that we're not really sure you should try this at home.

The Mirror previously reported Goran Pavlovic's advice that stinging nettles should sort your hay fever out.

And that's not nettle tea or nettle soup, but actually stinging yourself with the prickly leaves themselves.

Pavlovic shared his experience on Facebook, as he wrote: "All my life I suffered from hay fever. I pretty much choked to death every summer.

"Then, a few years ago, an old man (crazy old man according to my wife) told me to try nettles.

"Basically, as soon as the spring starts, he told me, and the first nettles sprout out, pick a bunch and sting myself with them.

"Do that once a week until the end of autumn. Apparently this would make my immune system concentrate on nettles and forget about the pollen…

"To my wife's horror and the amusement of the fellow walkers in parks and forests, I soon started the 'therapy'.

"And lo and behold it worked…I haven't had any problems with pollen for 3 years now.

"So there you have it. Just wanted to share with you my experience. Just in case someone is interested in use of herbs for medicinal purposes.

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For many this would be far too painful, so thankfully there's an alternative method to taming your symptoms.

According to research, there's a link between the reproductive system and the nasal system.

In other words, sex constricts the blood vessels in the nose and eyes, causing noses to unblock and eyes to stop watering.

We must point out though that researchers at Tabriz Medical University didn't perform any clinical tests on this, but their work was published in a serious medical journal called Medical Hypotheses.

The relief was specifically linked to ejaculation, so is more use to men than women, we're afraid.

If nettles and sex don't sound appealing, you could always try the hay fever injection or £2 pollen wipes that are designed to ease symptoms.

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