Best supplements for men: The herbal extract shown to boost libido and prostate health

There are many health problems that men do not take seriously in their younger years because they rarely present a problem. You may have once had a bountiful supply of sexual desire, for example, but now find it is woefully absent. The same can be said for the size of your prostate.

A larger prostate can cause various problems with passing urine, as it surrounds the tube through which urine is removed from the body.

Yet an enlarged prostate is more common in ageing men so you are less likely to be troubled by it in your youthful years.

If both issues have become increasingly pressing in recent years, evidence suggests a supplement may help.

Maca-based supplements, which are derived from the plant native to Peru, have shown promise in boosting libido and reducing an enlarged prostate.

Libido-boosting properties

Maca has been heavily marketed as being effective at improving sexual desire, and this claim has been borne out by research.

A review that included four randomised clinical studies with a total of 131 participants found evidence that maca improves sexual desire after at least six weeks of ingestion.

On a related note, there is some evidence that maca root increases men’s fertility.

A recent review summarised the findings of five small studies – it showed that maca improved semen quality in both infertile and healthy men.

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One of the studies reviewed included nine healthy men.

After consuming maca for four months, researchers detected an increase in the volume, count and motility of sperm.

Maca’s prostate-reducing prowess

Several studies in rodents suggest that red maca reduces prostate size.

Research suggests that the effect of red maca on the prostate is linked to its high amount of glucosinolates.

These substances are also associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

General tips for preserving your health as you get older

One of the most important tips as you age is to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s because obesity can lead to a number of serious and potentially life-threatening conditions, including heart disease and cancer.

The best way to treat obesity is to eat a healthy reduced-calorie diet and exercise regularly, according to the NHS.

To do this, you should:

  • Eat a balanced calorie-controlled diet as recommended by a GP or weight loss management health professional (such as a dietitian)
  • Join a local weight loss group
  • Take up activities such as fast walking, jogging, swimming or tennis for 150 to 300 minutes (2.5 to 5 hours) a week
  • Eat slowly and avoid situations where you know you could be tempted to overeat

“You may also benefit from receiving psychological support from a trained healthcare professional to help change the way you think about food and eating,” advises the NHS.

In addition to helping you to maintain a healthy weight, eating a healthy, balanced diet provides a direct barrier against deadly conditions, such as heart disease.

According to the British Heart Foundation (BHF), try to eat:

  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Plenty of starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. Choose wholegrain varieties wherever possible
  • Some milk and dairy products
  • Some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein
  • Only a small amount of foods and drinks high in fats and/or sugar.

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