Athlete’s foot: What you can do about it – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Effective measures against athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is very common and usually harmless. However, the skin can become itchy, cracked and unsightly. In addition, the fungus can spread to the nails. Experts explain how the infection can be treated and how to prevent properly.

According to a communication by the pharmacist of the Bremen chamber of the athlete’s foot infection is, in medical parlance, also called Tinea pedis, is the most common infectious diseases. Around 30 per cent of the population were already affected at least once. The infection can usually be successfully with over-the-counter products from the pharmacy or with home remedies treat it. In order to prevent it ever comes to athlete’s foot, it is important to keep the feet as dry as possible.

Fungus can spread


As the Institute for quality and efficiency in health care (IQWiG) declared on the Portal “” occurs athlete’s foot (Tinea pedis), especially between the little toe and the Nachbarzeh.

The affected areas scales and itching. In addition, it can cause redness and cracks in the skin. Furthermore, the skin may be whitish, and thickens and is then poured out and often is slightly. Athlete’s foot is mostly harmless, but will disappear usually by itself.


“Athlete’s foot, you should always take seriously,” advises Dr. Richard Klämbt, Vice-President of the chamber of pharmacists of Bremen. “Not properly or quickly enough and treated, it can spread to the nails, and serious complications to take place.” In other parts of the body can settle the fungus. If you scratch the itchy feet, for example, with your bare hands, and then to the face framed, abducted the fungus.

Risk of infection while walking barefoot

Athlete’s foot is most often caused by skin fungi (dermatophytes). They can penetrate through small cracks or lesions in the skin and top layer of the affected. The same fungus can also cause nail fungus.

The fungi are transmitted by direct skin contact or by skin flakes. For example, this may happen if the bare feet in community showers with infectious skin flakes come in contact with. “The more people in a place of barefoot running, the greater the risk of Infection,” explains Dr. Klämbt,.

Skin fungi need moisture and warmth to spread. The feet provide a favorable environment Since we wear most of the day shoes, it is often hot and humid. In addition, the skin contains a great deal of Keratin – a protein that is located in the epidermis. This skin fungi feed on.

These factors can increase the risk for athlete’s foot infections

On “” it is said that certain factors can increase the risk for athlete’s foot, in particular:

  • a familial predisposition
  • allergic diseases and atopic dermatitis
  • a tendency to sweaty feet
  • a weakened immune system, for example due to a serious illness or a long-term intake of medicines, which the immune system weaknesses
  • Blood circulation disorders in the legs, for example, as a result of Diabetes or a vascular constriction
  • in certain sports, Running and Swimming

Also people must wear the appropriate footwear, such as safety shoes or rubber boots, are at an increased risk.

Properly prevent

The IQWiG explains how you can prevent athlete’s foot infections. Because fungi prefer a moist environment, it is worthwhile to pay attention to your feet dry. This means that, for example:

  • after Swimming, showering or bathing the feet well dries
  • not to close, as airy shoes wearing
  • the same Pair of shoes wears not two days in a row
  • as often as possible, his shoes off

In order to an infection through infected skin scales and prevent relapses, the following is recommended:

  • to wear in swimming pools, communal showers and changing cabins of the Slippers
  • Not to share shoes, towels and socks with other
  • Socks, bed linen and towels at a minimum of 60 degree wash
  • at lower washing temperatures, additives such as hygiene rinse to the Laundry

According to the experts, is not yet investigated, however, how effective these recommendations for prevention are.

Athlete’s foot treat

The IGWiG that athlete’s foot can usually successfully, with creams, Gels or Sprays to treat the prescription in the pharmacy are available. Such preparations contain an active ingredient that inhibits the growth of fungi, or kills them. According to a communication of the AOK-Federal Association of the majority of the funds must be applied for three to six weeks.

On the Portal “” it is pointed out that, sometimes, home remedies for athlete’s foot such as foot baths with certain herbs or the Application of Apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil is recommended. However, studies on tea tree oil have shown no efficacy. Other home remedies have not been tested according to the experts, yet in good studies.

Not, it is possible to cure athlete’s foot by means of an external treatment, can tablets be eligible to. But these are only rarely necessary. (ad)

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