You Can Now Book The Actual Byron Retreat Featured In Nine Perfect Strangers

Where it used to be the case that every year or so, a film would hit theatres and prove so compelling, you had to see it – if not for the cinematic brilliance, then at least so you could keep abreast of every conversation happening for the next few months. But in recent times, it’s the TV series that are landing on streaming platforms that are stealing the thunder of the box office. These are the shows we binge in a single sitting, ones that prove so entertaining and thrilling, that to scroll through social media is to be made aware of plot explainers, spoilers, and just about everything else you could think about relating to a mini-series. And if there’s one show everyone’s talking about, it’s Nine Perfect Strangers. 

The eight-part series follows a group of people who have all booked themselves into an expensive wellness retreat called Tranquillum House, in a lush bushland setting that basically looks like Byron Bay. Nicole Kidman appears like some kind of Goop Guru, a wellness goddess called Masha who was CEO of a big corporation before drastic circumstances compelled her to change her life and open a health spa. As for the nine guests who have chosen to subject themselves to Masha’s ministrations for 10 days, each of them is damaged differently and carries different baggage. Based on the book by best-selling Aussie author Liane Moriarty, the series was pretty much destined to be a hit.

If you consider yourself one of the countless thousands who have been enjoying the show, you’ll likely have marvelled at the impressive setting and architecture of the retreat. If it had you pining for a getaway – albeit a much less mysterious one – you’re in luck, it’s actually available for booking. Tranquillum House is a real retreat in Byron Bay, called Soma which sits on a staggering 22 acres of rainforest. 

As the website suggests: “Soma is a contemporary oasis purpose-built to serve as a sanctuary for retreats and immersive experiences with a goal to elevate creativity and consciousness.” Sadly though, it’s not an experience that comes cheaply. A weekend meditation retreat will apparently set you back around $2,500, as Esquire reports. Perhaps there is something to be said for simply watching a show and living vicariously through the characters. 

You can watch Nine Perfect Strangers on Amazon Prime now. 

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